Blue Industries Inc.

for better world.
We are looking for partners in order to deliver medical technology using the latest technology to society.
Blue Industries Inc. is a technology driven startup company. We are developing new medical technologies.
Point of Care Testing Device
We are developing blood test devices that can be tested anywhere. Currently, we are conducting clinical trials at Japanese National University hospitals. We are looking for partners who can jointly conduct business development and R & D in the United States, China, EU and India.
Technology licensing
We have a patent for a technology that separates blood cells from whole blood in a small and ultra-high speed. We provide a license for this technology.
Drug discovery
We are developing new medicine related to diabetes, liver-related diseases (fatty liver / nonalcoholic steatohepatitis) and prostate cancer using our knowledge of biotechnology and biochemistry. We are preparing for clinical research.
International Collaboration
We are looking for partners who can jointly conduct business development and R & D in the United States, China, EU and India.

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